My birthday haul :) |
So it was my birthday this week and I got to go and buy some lovely goodies including some bits and bobs I needed, pins and the like and some fabulous fabric. I also got treated to a trip to the lovely Patisserie Valerie in York city centre where I had a well earned latte together with a delicious pecan and walnut tart. Nom nom nom!
Needless to say I was itching to get crafting as soon as I got home but knowing the perils of sewing with cotton before laundering it, I duly popped it in my washing machine and hung it on the line (always a bonus when you live in Britain) and then lovingly ironed it. It is time consuming, especially when you have bought the fabric with a project in mind, as opposed to just adding it to the stash.

The following evening was my actual birthday. I got to go out for my dinner (with two very excited little boys) and had a lovely evening with my family. After tucking my two little men in, I actually got to the stage of laying out my pattern pieces and spent a good hour carefully making sure that I had placed everything properly and cutting out the pieces. I had bought the lovely 'ballet shoes' fabric with a view to making the dress that I hadn't had enough fabric to do the other week so I wanted to make sure I got it exactly right this time. It's going to be a gift for someone special so I want it to be right. Sadly(!), I missed the England match that night what with making sure it was all just so... I'm told that there have been better matches.

Over the next few evenings I joined the bodice at the shoulders, attached the skirt, as per the instructions, and then on Thursday evening I started to attach the neck facings and hit a stumbling block. It just wouldn't go how I wanted it to and I was starting to get really cross. I actually had to step fully away from it as I got so frustrated and I hate to feel like that when I'm sewing. My hubby came to have a look with me a little later and we worked out that the neck of the front bodice didn't match up properly with the back and so I would never win the battle as it was. We discussed how to fix it without damaging the dress (I spent £20 on the material, I was NOT going to waste it) and left it for the night.
I have to admit, I ranted a little at work the next day (sorry guys!), but such was my frustration I had to get it out. But, when I got home, I popped up to my sewing room (it's the spare room in my house, but I have claimed it as mine) and started to reconstruct the neckline to make it all fit. I sent my friend, who also happens to be my fantastic boss, a picture of the amended neckline as I was so pleased to have succeeded.
This weekend has seen a monumental amount of sewing and I have all but finished this dress (just awaiting a zipper now) and completely finished the original dress I was trying to make after altering the neckline and removing some of the pleats to give a more 'circle skirt' effect - total pattern hack but I'm loving the results, even if my eldest did comment that it looks like a school summer dress. I've been told it's a compliment...

On top of the sewing I've been busy in the garden, catching up with the washing, (nothing like a good drying day for getting the laundry done) and headed out to the local castle as it was free entry to locals today. I've lived here 11 years and never been and I have to say it was fantastic. The tour guide we had was amazing and really made the history come alive. Needless to say I'm shattered, but it's back to work tomorrow and even more importantly it's the Great British Sewing Bee final!!!! I cannot wait. Until next time, Mx