So, I've been pretty quiet. I got some fabric for my birthday, which I was incredibly excited about, and then I disappeared from blogging. Basically, life got a little crazy! (It’s actually been over 2 years since I last posted and please believe me when I say I am hanging my head in shame.) My boys were on school holidays initially and so needed to be my main focus and while I was still crafting and making, there was less of it going on.
Then something happened that actually made me physically incapable of crafting, let alone getting on here to blog... the pitter patter of tiny feet. Yup, Makepeace Made was busying creating, just more a case of growing a new life 👶 and sadly the onslaught of morning (and evening!!) sickness knocked me for six. I couldn't even watch 'The Great British Bake Off' without feeling poorly. Combined with increased hours and an increased workload at my day job, there wasn't a hope of me getting on here let alone spending time doing the things that I enjoy such as knitting and sewing.
I did spend a few months as a stay at home mum to two after my contract ended before the baby arrived and I did do some crafting but just never seemed to find the drive to blog. I went back to work at the start of the year in a new role, but after 5 months of hard slog we took the decision that a house to run and 3 kids with both of us working just wasn't feasible and I'm now at home full time until the smallest starts preschool. That's the plan anyway ha ha but who knows where life will lead?
Jumpers for the boys, a dress for me from my birthday fabric,
a play mat for my daughter, last year's Christmas cards,
Halloween outfits and a birthday gift for a friend, all
'Makepeace Made' |
I have been crafting off and on throughout, making various baby related items and a couple of bits and pieces for the boys, but haven't made anything to sell. Last year I realised that my confidence has taken quite a knock what with one thing and another and so I took the decision to hold off starting a new business and to develop my skills and knowledge in knitting and sewing more through studying a diploma. Yes, I could have just gone on Youtube and trawled the net for information, but I like to learn and take notes and I'm aiming to improve what I produce by understanding the craft more. I completed a course in sewing last year and am part way through a knitting diploma and feel happier knowing that I'm working to improve myself, and hopefully improve the prospects of any future business.
This is the finished article of the
card - it remains to be seen if mine
will turn out the same. |
More recently I have fallen down the rabbit hole of Flosstube and have fallen in love with cross stitching again. If you haven’t discovered Flosstube yet don’t do it! You will lose hours!! Seriously though, if you’re into stitching it’s quite therapeutic. Anyway, I’m cracking on with a Christmas card that I got free with a magazine this week which I should hopefully finish later on today and then I have plans for some more things to make. Stay tuned for those and I promise to not be quite so rubbish in the future.
Thanks for reading,
M x
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