Well I thought it was probably time to bite the bullet and start blogging. I've been toying with the idea for a while now (along with starting my own crafting business) and realised that the only thing that was stopping me was me so here I am - HELLO!!
So who am I?
I'm a wife, mum, sister, daughter, employee, friend, tutor. I'm a lot of things to a lot of people I suppose but for me, when I think about who I am, I'm a crafter. I like to knit, crochet and sew and I have been doing it now for years, making various items for myself, my family and friends as well as the odd thing for a co-worker.
I loved this 'old vintage' blanket I made for my husband's colleague - such beautiful lace edging.
Like a lot of people, I got into crafting through my Nanna. She was a very skilled craftswoman and my first memories of her are of her sitting at her sewing machine - a machine that has since been passed on to me. I would sit and avidly watch her as she sat and created or repaired her various projects and beg to be allowed in the cupboard next to her chair where all her 'treasure' was stored. Her buttons, yarn, embroidery silks, ribbons, feathers, beads and yards of fabric - a veritable haberdashery! I remember summers spent sorting buttons into piles according to colour, size and shape and winding ribbons up that had become tangled; halcyon days indeed.
Despite doing little crafting in my teenage years - I mean, who does anything except hang out with friends and spend time on the phone - my love of fabric and yarn and all things crafty never dissipated. After getting married and falling pregnant with my first child, the bug hit with force. I wanted my child to have things that were created with love, but my sewing skills were incredibly rusty, my knitting was a little patchy and sadly my Nanna was no longer with us to help and guide me. Needless to say, the advent of Youtube, along with some very useful books and craft magazines got me going again. When I sew, I often think of my Nanna, and I hope that she would be proud of me and the projects I am working on.

Now I'm mum to two very energetic little boys (and two crazy cats). My youngest started school last September and time seems to be running away from me. So it's time to bite the bullet. Time to put my best foot forward and put those years of practice to the test. Time to acknowledge that sometimes when people are commenting on how good something I have made is they are not being biased, they are telling the truth and it's me and my insecurity that is telling me the opposite. Time to start blogging and crafting in earnest.
I hope you'll join me on my journey,
M x