Well it's been pretty chilly here on the north east coast and this morning we've even managed a light dusting of snow (which melted almost as quickly as it settled) so as yet we haven't been able to build a snowman. I've been under the weather too for most of the week and generally feeling quite sorry for myself with it. Combined with a very clingy toddler it hasn't been the most productive of weeks. Although I did manage to squeeze in some baking with Master L.
I did manage to finish Betty the Bunny though and I have to say I'm quite proud of her. I decided against adding her little shoes - I made one up and put it on but after discussing it with the husband we both thought she looked better shoeless (plus it's one thing less to have to find at the end of a good day playing). At some point I'll have a go at some of the other outfits that are in the magazine for her and maybe even do another dress in a different colourway so Miss A has some choices of outfits when she's playing. I shared a photo of the completed Betty on to the Let's Knit magazine's Facebook page and got this feedback:
I've made a start on my new jumper this week: after an initial rookie's mistake of twisting the cast on row when I joined it in the round (and only realising about 4 rows in which given that there are 228 stitches in a round is a fair amount of knitting time), I've made a reasonable amount of progress and have now completed about 2 1/2 inches of the rib for the main body of the jumper. I'm not as far along as I would have liked to be, but things have just conspired against me really. I will get there and I'm hopeful that I'll make some good progress this weekend.
We're down to just a small amount of wallpaper to strip in the kitchen, 2 cupboards to remove, the last few tiles to take off and a small stretch of worktop to take off. The plan is to fit the units in about 3 weeks when my husband has a week off. I have to admit I will be glad when it's finished as I'm not enjoying the lack of storage and preparation space.
Right, I'm going to leave it there this week as I'm currently typing with the small one's heading resting on my arm and it's making for tough going.
Until next time,
M x
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