
Friday, 21 June 2019

Making mistakes - its a way of learning

Check out the 'to sew' pile I had going on earlier this week 😱

I had a conversation with a friend the other day over Messenger that made me (and her) giggle so I thought I'd share the story I told her with you too.

Basically the chat started with her telling me about her cross stitch she'd started and gone wrong with and how she - very cleverly - was going to rectify it and make something completely different. She thought that it would make me chuckle, which it did but as I said to her everyone has to start somewhere and we all make mistakes. Ultimately, that's how we learn.

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Picture credit:
So I went on to tell her about when I first started to cross stitch. I've mentioned previously that it was my wonderful Nanna who got me into crafting and taught me a large amount of what I know. Well after a visit to see my Nanna, my dad, brothers and Grandad I was on the train merrily doing a cross stitch of Winnie the Pooh. I'll admit I was getting a bit overly confident with it and was happily stitching away when I realised that we were coming to my station. Bear in mind that this train journey was around 4 hours and I'd been stitching for most of that...

So we're coming to my stop and I start to pack all my cross stitch stuff up; you know, scissors, threads, aida. Except I can't because I've only gone and stitched the aida to my trousers!!! Well and truly stitched it mind you.  I had to cut it off 😂😂😂

I wasn't laughing at the time - I had visions of me walking through Reading station with this cross stitch of Winnie the Pooh attached to my leg which would have been OK(ish) if it wasn't upside down! Sadly I don't have any photos as this was before the days of smart phones and I'll be honest, it wasn't the first thing that crossed my mind.

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Picture credit:
So, when you're having one of those days where you keep making a mistake, be that misthreading your sewing machine, having to frog your knitting or crochet over and over again, remember that every mistake helps us to learn and get better at our craft and even those who seemingly make no errors will have made a multitude of them.

Next week I'll update you on all the finishes I've managed this month, so until next time,

M x

P.S. For those of you who are wondering, I did manage to finish the Winnie the Pooh corss stitch. It was a card and I believe I gifted it to my Nanna although I never told her about my little train incident as I was too embarrassed. I'm sure she would have found it hilarious though.

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